Friday, November 9, 2012

How (Not) To Win the Presidency

Welcome to my first stab at blogging (because the world can never have TOO many bloggers, right?)  Love it.  Hate it.  But pretty please just read it.  Thanks!

I started this blog because with our country's recent events, I had a lot to say and had to somehow therapeutically get it out or I would spontaneously combust, AND I'm sure I was driving all 8 of my facebook friends mad with all my postings.

I know by now that the majority of people are SICK of hearing political spiels, BUT after having a long conversation with my husband and a friend about this very thing, I HAD to dip more into the reason for the outcome of this year's election.  Holy cow, there was no end in sight from all of the political ads, telephone calls, news coverage, SNL gags, facebook statuses, and tweets regarding the presidential candidates, and yet when it was all said and done, this election left my Republican friends, and pretty much all Republicans, absolutely flabbergasted.

My husband and I were talking about WHY Romney supporters were SO SURE that they had the presidency in the bag, and what Republicans are going to HAVE to do if they want to have any chance at all 4 years from now at turning their party around.

This article I read earlier today by Bonnie Kavoussi at the Huffington Post summarized EVERYTHING we discussed.  So, of course, we must be right.  (insert winky emoticon here)

Here is an excerpt from that article:
"Mitt Romney could have easily won the presidential election if he and his party had realized that they were turning people off, according to Matt Taibbi.
"If they were self-aware at all, Mitt Romney would probably be president right now,"Taibbi wrote in a blog post for Rolling Stone late Thursday. 
He argued that Republicans' message about financial responsibility could resonate with a lot of people, but unfortunately it is a cover for their belief that women and minorities are "parasites." 
Modern Republicans "have so much of their own collective identity wrapped up in the belief that they're surrounded by free-loading, job-averse parasites who not only want to smoke weed and have recreational abortions all day long, but want hardworking white Christians like them to pay the tab," Taibbi wrote. "Their whole belief inherently insulting to everyone outside the tent – and you can't win votes when you're calling people lazy, stoned moochers."

No kidding?  You mean I can't insult people and still expect to get their vote?  Really, people?  REALLY?!   (sorry for the sarcasm, but shouldn't that degree of I-don't-get-it endure a smidge of incredulity?) Not only that, but when you live in an elitist-minded bubble, surrounded by arrogance and pride, congratulating yourself, and those who you deem like-minded, and thus worthy, at how much better you are than others, people are not going to want to have anything to do with you or your political party.  Seems simple enough and yet I heard nasty name-calling, flat out ignorance, and hurtful words being flung by voters on both sides.  How does that endear someone to your cause or belief?

I personally took issue with all the comments flying to and fro about "poor people" or the "less thans," and how THOSE PEOPLE were the muck of America.  Excuse me?!  I'm one of those people... I have a husband, I have two children, I work two jobs, my husband is employed full-time, I serve in my church, we are educated, we are "white" (although I am half-Mexican so I got a little bit of spice and a whole lotta sass) and we STILL qualify for Medicaid and Food Assistance.   It doesn't even matter what people think of me, because my worth is in Christ alone.

HOWEVER...  (now moving on from the world's viewpoint, to a more Christ-centered one)

It angered me when I saw such writings from Christian friends, who were also friends with people in our church who are, or were, on welfare, who are two-parent/two-income homes, who are struggling and trying their best, and yet are being subjected to unkind and shaming rants from those who claim to follow Christ, who claimed to be their friend, and who sat next to them in the pew on Sunday.  How sad.  TRULY sad that our country is so divided.  Heartbreakingly sad that the Church is so divided.  Sad that Christians have given themselves a bad name and have lost their testimony to the world.  Sad that people from a particular socio-economic group are all treated with distain.  How happy this must make the Enemy of this world.  Satan wins when we choose discord over unity.

I guess I should wrap this up, but I'm going to have one last hurrah... so here it is.

Christians have become way too wrapped up in the things of this world that they have lessened or completely neglected the importance of actually living out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20).  Do we want to be right or do we want to be faithful?  Nowhere in the Bible did it say Jesus came to engage in politics, nor is there a passage about Him spouting about government (though he did have some harsh words for the hypocritical religious folk of the day)... He was too busy reaching the lost and dying.  Not that we can't become involved in politics, or that politics are wrong, but I hear Christians talk about their party like it's a religion (like it's more important that anything or ANYONE) or about a candidate like he/she is a god.  Christ-believer or Christ-follower?  I choose to be a follower.
Let's follow Romans 13:1-7 and let's pray for our leaders and our country.   And for goodness' sake, let's encourage and not tear each other down.   

I'm not perfect.  I'm not saying it's easy.  But, it is right and it is godly.  Get it together Christians, and let's stop the hurtful, ostracizing words said in the name of Christ... they do not please Him!  Let's remember in whose kingdom we should be putting our energy and zeal!  

Good luck in 2016, Republican Party, and I hope to see some TRUE CHANGE!

With All Sincerity,


Ephesians 4:2-6 ~Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.